
Patented backup technology of the new generation.

premium simple premium safe

Waxar EasyImage is a high-end backup solution and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and Unix.

Thanks to patented technology: data recognition, independent storage-space management and fully automated operation.

EasyImage is practical for securing a computer against software problems, i.e. against virus attack, crashed operating system and similar. It is easy to use and can at least get Windows up and running again in no time...
c't Magazin, 21/2020, p. 98, Heise Verlag
– You can find the full article here

Best Sellers

Server Edition
26.11. - 28.11.2019

Participation at the SPS fair and congress in Nuremberg.
8.10. - 10.10.2019

Participation at the IT-Security fair and congress in Nuremberg.
Lecture at it-sa insights: Backup technology for control systems in the industry
8.07. - 10.07.2019
WAXAR at the „Forum Safety & Security“ in Sindelfingen: lecture and exhibition. More information about the event can be found here


for industry 4.0

Waxar ImgageStick

Restoration of the delivery state

Waxar InstantImage

Instant backup without installation


for standard IT environment

Waxar Expert

Network PCs, servers and VM

Waxar EasyImage

Laptops and single PCs
Backup as a Service for small businesses and self-employed

The advantages of our subscription model

  • Operational reliability: trouble-free IT infrastructure, 24/7 helpdesk, immediate data recovery in case of malfunctions, regular control of backup-relevant data carriers
  • Cost reduction: prevention of high downtime costs, full cost control through subscription
  • Convenience: proactive contacting in case of malfunctions, no dependence on third-party providers

With Waxar4Business you take out a real insurance for your data. Through EU-patented technology, our methods and tools, we ensure the preservation of your computer data and its protection against cybercrime, operating system failures, destruction, loss and manipulation.

Regular inspection of the data protection processes ensures the integrity of your company data. With our subscription models, you take out an insurance policy through which you get back all (much more valuable) company data in the event of a data loss - instead of just an insurance sum in money.


The core of all WAXAR solutions is the new technology DeviceImage®, protected by EU patent. While the backup solutions in the standard IT environment are predominantly file-based, DeviceImage® follows a different strategy: bit-based. This approach brings enormous advantages.

All file-based backup solutions depend on the operating system. This means they can only work if they are integrated into the appropriate operating system. This results in a further dependency, namely on updates of the operating system. Furthermore, these backup solutions only recognize the data to be backed up if it is available in file form. All other data, for example data from special system areas, are therefore not recognized and are not backed up. This dependency on the operating system entails a further limitation: The backup solutions are inevitably subject to all restrictions and rules of the corresponding operating system. If it locks certain file areas, the backup solutions also have no access to this data. Consequently, they remain unsecured.

With the new technological approach, DeviceImage® is freed from all these restrictions and limitations. The essential thing is that every bit of the information to be saved is important for DeviceImage®. And therefore this technology stands for a one hundred percent loss-free and operating system-independent backup method.


Waxar EasyImage

To ensure that your data are safe, we only use high-quality hardware as storage media. That is fast (USB 3.0 -3.2), resilient and fail-safe secure.

1 Year Subscription

(Bundle price for first purchase:
Software license + storage medium)
250 Laptop Edition
79,47 EUR*
500 PC Edition
99,45 EUR*
1000 Server Edition
139,51 EUR*
*incl. 19% VAT

1 Year Subscription

(Extension for another year:
Software license)
250 Laptop Edition
47,25 EUR*
500 PC Edition
55,46 EUR*
1000 Server Edition
85,84 EUR*
*incl. 19% VAT

Life-Time License

(Bundle price:
Software license + storage medium)
250 Laptop Edition
119,77 EUR*
500 PC Edition
149,75 EUR*
1000 Server Edition
199,12 EUR*
1000 Extended Server Edition
219,85 EUR*
*incl. 19% VAT
With a Life-Time License you can backup and restore the data of your current computer during its entire lifetime. You do not need any further updates with the Life-Time License.
Sabine Fach,
Public relations
Tel.: +49 (0)89-54897311
To the press releases...
Press releases:
Besser nicht von der Stange, DIGITAL MANUFACTURING, Seite 12, WIN-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, mehr...
Datensicherung im Wandel: Spezielle Backup-Systeme für die Industrie, it-production.com, more...
Hochwertiges Datensicherungssystem bei Maschinenausfall mit Rose Systemstechnik-Lösungen, automation.at, more...
Was Sie über Datensicherung wissen sollten, it-daily.net, more...
Was Sie über Datensicherung wissen sollten, iavcworld.de, more...
Datensicherungssystem: So werden Industrie-PCs richtig geschützt, digital-manufacturing.magazin.de, more...
Neue Backup-Methoden integriert, SPS Magazin, Ausgabe 2/22, Seite 26, more...
Einfach speziell, Backup-Laufwerk Waxar EasyImage im Test, c't Magazin 2022, Heft 4, Seite 80, more...
Neue Funktionen für Datensicherungs-Produkte von Waxar, storagenewsletter.com, more...
Neue Funktionen für Backup-Produkte von Waxar, itbusiness, more...
Datensicherungssystem: Schnelle Hilfe bei Maschinenausfall, Mi-connect, more...
Unterstützung für Festplatten mit 4K-Sektoren LANLine, Update für Backup-Produkte von Waxar, more...
Maschinen vor teueren Ausfällen schützen. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK 04/2021, Seiten 38-39, more...
PDF Download
Backup-Produkte unterstützen NVMe, fertigungstechnik.de: NVMe-Schnittstelle für Industrie und Office-IT, more...
Waxar-Backups unterstützen NVMe, storage-insider.de: Geschwindigkeit ist Trumpf – nicht zuletzt auch bei Backup und Recovery, more...
Außergewöhnliches Datensicherungssystem hilft schnell bei Maschinen-Ausfall,
all-electronics.de: BIT-BASIERTE SPEICHERUNG VON DATEN, more...
Rapid response when a machine breaks down,
SPS compact 02/2020: SPS Connect as a virtual alternative, P. 48, more...
Supereinfachbackupdings, Backup-USB-Stick Waxar EasyImage für Windows, macOS und Linux
c't Magazin, 21/2020, p. 98, Heise Verlag more...
ICP Deutschland bundelt Industrie-Computer mit Backup-Lösung
von WAXAR, Software-Journal more...
Home-Office-Boom gefährdet industrielle IT-Sicherheit
Datev Magazin more...
Waxar: Backup-Lösung bei Amazon
itbusiness.ch more...
World Backup Day 2020: Datenverlust weit verbreitet
Waxar: Produktionsunternehmen sollten Datensicherung auf OT ausweiten
speicherguide.de 31.03.2020 more...
Datensicherung in der Industrie Lückenlos
IT-Administrator 2/2020, 31.01.2020, Seite 92 more...
Wie Firmen sich vor Hackern und Viren schützen können
Bayerische Staatszeitung, more...
Waxar zeigt Backup-Lösungen auf der it-sa
Storage Insider, more...
Steuerungsdaten sichern: Ein Stick für alle Fälle
Fachzeitschrift IT&Production, more...
Backup-Lösungen für IT und OT,
NetzPalaver, more...
Waxar: Backup für IT- und OT-Systeme
LANLine, Automatisierte Datensicherung für Büro- und Industrieumgebungen, more...
Ein Stick für alle Fälle
IT&Production, E-Paper, S. 44, more...
Ein Stick für alle Fälle
TeDo-Verlag, Ausgabe September-2019, more...
Per Backup-Lösung schnell wieder am Start
Computer & Automation, Ausgabe 7/8-2019, more...
SPS-Magazin 2019, Ausgabe 3, more...
SPS IPC Drive: Backup-Lösungen für Industrie-PCs more...
Backup-Software sichert fertigungsrelevante Daten more...
USB-Datensicherungs-Stick für PC-basierte Steuerungssysteme more...
Backup der Gesamtfunktionalität für automatisierte Produktionssysteme PC & Industrie, 2018, Heft 4, Seite 54. more... (PDF)
Im wahrsten Sinne eine Lebensversicherung more...
Nie war Backup-Image so wertvoll wie heute more...
Waxar entwickelt betriebssystemunabhängiges und vollautomatisches Backup more...
Waxar optimiert DeviceImage für VMs more...
Waxars DeviceImage 5 in vier Ausführungen more...
Waxar sichert betriebssystemunabhängig mit Linux-CD more...
Deviceimage: Linux-based Backup Tool more...
Waxar Deviceimage spiegelt Festplatten 1:1 auf externe Laufwerke more...

EU-Patent EP2570926

Nominations and awards:
Bavaria 2018 Innovation Award
Bavaria 2016 Innovation Award
ICP Deutschland GmbH

ICP Germany is YOUR partner for industrial computer products from IEI Integration Corp. In addition we also offer alternatives and complementary PC components.

WAXAR Data Saving Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
Keplerstraße 22
86179 Augsburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 821-8153917
we are german
The development and support comes to 100% from Germany.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Waxar EasyImage general
    • What about updates or new features?
      Waxar EasyImage is independent of the computer's operating system. Therefore, normally, no updates are needed. After purchase of our product, you will be informed about any updates in due time.
    • What is the writing speed on your stick?
      The write speed depends on several factors, especially on the hardware constellation like CPU-, BUS-, USB-stack-, throughput, etc. In general, it can be said that with good hardware configuration, a backup of 60GB of data takes about 20-30 minutes.
    • What hardware does the USB drive have? Is there an option also for external SSD, for higher capacity? USB-C?
      All hardware types are possible. It is only important that this hardware is recognized as bootable by the BIOS.
    • What capacity can the WAXAR drive have?
      There is no restriction in this regard.
    • Is it possible to run the restore on another PC?
      The license allows the use of the solution on one computer only. In case of hardware failure, the user can request a temporary, free license to transfer data to a new computer. To continue using the solution, a new license must be purchased.
    • What is the base software? Is the base CLONEZILLA?
      The basic software is our patented proprietary development: DeviceImage.
    • How many backups can be made with one stick?
      This number depends on the storage capacity of the storage medium (USB stick or hard disk) and on the amount of data that needs to be backed up.
    • Does WAXAR back up only the system disk or all disks? Is it possible to select that?
      Waxar EasyImage, in the fully automatic version, detects the hard disk that contains a system partition and backs up all partitions that are occupied with data.
    • Can I also play the data backed up to the hard drive, such as videos, on my DVD player or smart TV via USB?
      The data backed up on the Waxar hard drive is stored as a compressed archive, not as individual files. This does not allow accessing individual files and playing videos on other devices. If individual files are needed, they can be copied to the hard drive manually.
    • Is the backup made exclusively to the supplied hard disk or can it also be made to a storage medium located in the PC system?
      Waxar EasyImage is automated, it saves all backups to the supplied storage media without worrying about disk space. The backups are kept in rotation, oldest backups are deleted if there is not enough space for the next backup.
    • Can I copy or move the backups made on the supplied hard disk to other partitions located in the PC system?
      Yes, you can, but it is recommended to copy only the individual backup archives, but not to move them. Because by the latter the automatic naming for the backup archives can get mixed up.
  • Software functionality
    • Is the first backup overwritten when the next backup is performed?
      No, all following backups will be saved in the corresponding sequence as long as there is free disk space available. If our solution detects that the storage capacity is exhausted, the oldest backup will be deleted while the newest one is backed up. This process is repeated over and over again. This automatic management of backups ensures that a certain number of backups are always kept available.
    • Can the backup software Nvme Pcie detect SSD drives and backup?
      Basically, all known SSD drives can be recognized and be recognized and backed up, so also Nvme Pcie SSD.
    • Are only occupied sectors backed up, so that a hard disk, with 60GB occupied can be backed up to the 250GB stick?
      Only sectors occupied with data are backed up. The backup archives are compressed, so that a backup of approx. 60GB of data into a backup of approx. 30GB. The 250GB stick is sufficient for this.
    • When activated, does the stick save the computer data during the current work? And are hard disks connected via USB hard disks also backed up?
      Waxar EasyImage backs up all the data located on the internal system hard disk on your computer. So there will be no other (also via USB connected data carriers) are also backed up. A backup during current work does not take place because the backup only takes place when you initiate it - as described in the manual.
    • What if the hard disk to be backed up is encrypted with a bitlocker?
      The DeviceImage software needs access to the file system to detect occupied and unoccupied sectors. If an encrypted partition is detected with Bitlocker, all sectors will be backed up automatically.
    • Is the backup incremental or only full?
      The Waxar EasyImage license only allows full backups. Other license types can backup incrementally and differentially. These are available on request.
    • I have a very large hard drive but less than 250 GB of data on it. Will this fit on a 250 GB stick or does the stick have to be as "big" as the disk itself?
      Waxar EasyImage detects the amount of data to be backed up and ensures that there is room for at least two compressed backup archives for it. If the amount of data is less than 160GB, a 250GB USB stick is sufficient. For larger amounts of data, up to 330GB or 600GB, larger solutions, WEI-500 or WEI-1000, are needed.
    • Can individual folders be backed up?
      Since our solution acts on the level of Bit&Bytes, individual folders cannot be backed up. If you want to backup individual folders one by one, you can simply copy it manually to the provided hard disk/stick.
  • Support
    • What about support when there are BIOS, partition and/or formatting issues?
      Support will of course be provided in such cases and in all other cases where - contrary to expectations - problems should arise.
    • Is there a user manual?
      Yes. This included in every order.
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